Devlog #6 - Bug Fixes and Health Bars

Hello internet, Guys5 here and we’re back with another devlog. This week we’ve been deep in the bowels of our game fixing bugs and balancing numbers. Now I know what you may be thinking “But Guys5 that sounds really boring and without any cool and interesting visuals of your progress for me to enjoy” and you’d be right. Sorry about that. We’ll get the art team to show you something interesting next time. As much as some of you may like only being able to lose half your health before your character stops attacking we decided it would be best to fix it.

That being said, we do have one new feature to show you and that’s health bars. We've given them to enemies, we’ve given them to bosses, we’ve given them to everyone. Will they stay in the game? We don’t know, at the moment they along with several other new features are still in the experimental stage. However since most of the features we covered in the last devlog are still under development (we want to make sure they’re fun and balanced before showing them off to you guys). We wanted to show you at least one of the new features that we’ve been experimenting with to try and keep things interesting.

That’s it for this week’s devlog we’ve got lots of stuff cooking in the oven and we can’t wait to show it all off. Until then we’ll keep working and you keep it classy.

Until next time.


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