Devlog #4 – Game Theme, Assets & Main Character Design

Alright fellas Guys5 is back and in this one we’re gonna focus on the design aspect of our game because I know how curious you guys must be about that.

In the early stages of concepting and prototyping, we were torn between a few ideas (mainly a game about a fly). We eventually settled on the game that you all know and love “The Untitled Hack and Slash”. As a team we had our concerns especially when it comes to the time constrains associated with creating a very well-polished juicy game in just one academic year.

The programmers and game designers made prototypes while the artists sat and relaxed, but as the saying goes all good things must come to an end and eventually we actually had to do some work.

First we had to settle on a theme and setting. We had quite a number of ideas ranging from medieval dark fantasy, demon hunters to Aztecs, Pagans, Celts, Germanic folklore and cultists. Eventually we unanimously agreed on early steampunk in a Victorian era.

We started off by making a mood board and agreeing on what our main character would be. Simple questions like are they gonna be agile, strong, tall or short? What weapon are they going to use? Will they be ranged? All this played a huge role on how we ended up designing her in the end.

We started off designing assets we knew we could use in any game and then we moved onto the weapons our steampunk character would use. We wanted it to reflect her personality and match her agile fighting style.

Anyways that’s this week’s update! We’re doing great, grandma is still running around, family is health thank you for asking… see you next week fellas!

Guys5 out.

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