Devlog #5 - Game Mechanics

Hey hey, Guys5 are back with another devlog! It has been quite a while since the last time huh? Well, fear not, the team has been hard at work over the week that we were gone for. We are sure you are all wondering “But guys (5), what has the team been doing?”

Well, a bit of everything. From level design to character model, props, environment, VFX and so on. But that will all be revealed when it is fully ready to blow your minds away. And we know you guys want to see it, but you will have to hold on just a little longer, we promise it will be worth the wait.

So, with that out of the way, you might still be thinking what we are going to be talking about today. Well, buckle up, because we are going to take you on a journey through our game mechanics, both existing and potential that are still work in progress!

Since the game is a hack ‘n’ slash, it would be very fitting to start with the most basic mechanic of it all. And that of course is – surprise, surprise – hacking and slashing. The player, in other words you guys, will have 5 different attacks that you will be able to use. There are so many combo possibilities in the game, and we cannot wait to see players experience them for the first time.

The grapple hook is the game mechanic you guys will be familiar with from our previous devlogs. And we know what you are thinking, “another grapple hook for movement, so many games do that”, and we agree with you. However, our grapple hook is a combat tool as well. The player can slash while grappling around buildings but more importantly, the player can pull themselves towards the enemy body with this same grappling hook and follow up with a nasty attack combo. Pretty cool, right? And while we are still trying to develop the ability to pull the enemy towards the player as well and give the player that choice, it is still work in progress.

Oh, one last thing. We currently are working on a thing we call adrenaline meter (purple bar below health bar), which will give you combat benefits like increased damage and speed the more fluid you land your combos and the less damage you take, so really make them mechanics count! This will also come with a very special feature if you max out this meter, so you better bet it will be hard to get that bar up to full.

But that is about it for this devlog, the team is very excited to show you guys all the things we have been working on, but all in due time. But as all great things are, this will take some time.

Talk to you soon!

Guys5 Production


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Looking JUICY lads. Loving the SFX you have going on for the attacks.