Devlog #3 – How Our Game Idea Came to be

Whoa another devlog and it’s not even the weekend, what is the meaning of this?! Thank you Guys5 you shouldn’t have!

So far we talked about stuff regarding the game we’re working on, however we never actually addressed how our idea came to fruition. That’s why in this devlog we’d like to take you on a journey, from the very start, how we settled on our game idea.

The entire process of conceptualising our game stated way back in July 2022 and it started with this photo. If you couldn’t tell, that is concept art of our game ideas drawn onto papers that hold cookies. Why did we not use normal paper you ask? We just had no paper we had to make do with what we had at the time. Nonetheless, we procured about 10 game ideas and none of them were the game we are currently making.

There was a game of eagles dropping babies, drilling into the core of the earth with a big drill vehicle, a city builder with systemic interactions, and a hack ‘n’ slash in the style of Midnight Gospel. But there were some ideas that we liked a lot that we decided to talk about potential features.

Luka presented an idea where the player plays as a monster that has to devour other lifeforms to grow from a little larva to a fully grown monster. He called the game idea at the time “Son of Darwin”.

Another idea presented by Dawid was a physics-based game about a fat fly that has to avoid certain stuff such as frog tongues, spider webs etc.

Dorian proposed a first person parkour game set in a cyberpunk-esque setting with the emphasis on nice neon lighting. To make the game more interesting he envisioned that the player would have to switch the direction of gravity as needed.

Finally, the last game idea that was proposed by Luka and sounded most promising was a 2 person local co-op game where players with different roles would have to work together to progress through the game. The initial idea was that one player would have a sword to damage enemies while the other would have a shield that could protect players from projectiles.

We agreed to do basic prototypes for the last 2 ideas, however Luka’s game idea was flawed in that it was too challenging for us to create good puzzles, especially with 2 players. The other game was never fully prototyped so we decided to look at what else we could do.

Then one day at a meeting Luka showed a prototype of a hack ‘n’ slash. He got inspired by a League of Legends character and imagined what it would be like to create a game in which the player plays as that character. We liked the premise of the game and unanimously decided we want to create a hack ‘n’ slash. Dawid was a little sad he couldn’t do his fat fly game. Perhaps some other time though :)

And that’s how our game idea was conceived. We have to admit we had a lot of fun conceptualising. If anything we are glad we prototyped all game ideas because although ideas sound good on paper, they might not work out when you actually play them.

Adios for now!

Guys5 Productions

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